Washing machine door won't open full of water
The washing machine has finished the washing cycle.
You went to the washing machine as usual to take out the laundry, but the
door was locked on the washing machine. What to do? After all, leaving
damp laundry with water in the drum is not at all good for your
Sometimes people try to open the door as soon as the wash is finished.
Especially if at that moment they were nearby and saw that the timer
showed zero minutes.
You shouldn’t do this: any SMA thinks for another 2-3 minutes and
only after that unlocks the door. So if this is your case, just wait a
If after a while nothing happens, you will have to open the hatch
forcibly. We tell you how you can do this.
Many modern washing machines are equipped with an emergency door opening
cable. Its end is located in the hatch next to the drain filter.
As a rule, it has a bright color - red, orange, light green, yellow.
To force the door to unlock, you must pull the cable.
Take a thin wire or rope and carefully place it behind the hatch in the
lock area. The loose ends should be on the side opposite the lock.
Pull the ends of the wire/rope in a lateral direction parallel to the
The resulting loop will engage the lock and the door will open.
To get to the lock, you need to remove the top cover of the washing
Please note that in some models you first need to remove the back cover,
and only then the top of the CMA.
If you look from above, the jammed lock will be visible. You can reach
it with your hand. Next, you need to press the locking tab and the
washer will open.
The door handle on the washing machine is broken, what should I do?
A broken handle doesn’t always mean it fell off.
More often, if its mechanism is mechanically damaged, users notice
that the handle dangles and/or is pressed unusually easily.
But the hatch does not open.
If the handle of your SMA is broken, you can force open the door
using the second, third or fourth method described above.
Call a specialist and a technician will come and do everything without
unnecessary breakdowns.
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